With a great official and academic presence, the department of earth sciences at the college of science, in cooperation with the ministry of oil held recently its 3rd international scientific conference for Iraq’s oil studies in the presence of the former prime minister Dr. Haidar al-Abadi, the former minister of oil Dr. Ibrahim Bahr al-Uloom, rectors of some Iraqi universities and many official and academic figures. The sponsor of the conference and dean of the college, Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Abdul Razzaq gave a speech in which he addressed the exceptional circumstances that accompanied the establishment of this event, expressing his thanks for the scientific, preparatory and technical committees and the support of the ministry of oil and all those in charge of establishing this academic forum of vital economic significance in the oil and gas sector.

Then Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad delivered a speech that addressed the challenges that faced staff and students the last year during the Covid-19 pandemic and who were able to overcome with excellence and the success attained by adopting the e-learning procedures, as well as the admission of more than 15,000 graduate students and more than 5,000 postgraduate students. Also he pointed out that the University of Baghdad has concluded a number of international partnerships through global openness with Huawei Technologies Co. to establish electronic training centers and to provide expertise in the fields of consulting and oil industry. Dr. Munir al-Saadi announced the inauguration of an English language center, the first of its kind in Iraq which will work to award recognized English certificates for students. Head of the department of earth sciences, Prof. Dr. Manal Shaker Ali talked about the importance of keeping pace with global technological developments taking place at the present and the need for interaction with scientists, experts and engineers at the ministry of oil to learn about the latest scientific developments in this important vital sector, revealing the participation of a large number of Iraqi researchers and those from Egypt, Algeria, Iran, Turkey, Azerbaijan and France in the proceeding of this conference through presenting 81 petroleum engineering research papers.

At the conclusion of the opening session that lasted for two days under the slogan “the role of earth sciences in hydrocarbon exploration”, speeches by the chairman of the preparatory committee and representatives of the ministry of oil and al-Farabi University College, as well as the distribution of discretionary shields among official guests, academics, heads of conference committees, the university presidency and the deanship of the college.

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