Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad has visited recently al-Nasr Dormitories Complex at the Medical city to inspect the reality and level of services provided for residents, accompanied by the director of the dormitories Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan and dean of the college of dentistry Prof. Dr. Raghad al-Hashimi. The rector was briefed on the reality of the work at the departments while he made a tour among the corridors of the complex and stressed on fulfillment of the needs of postgraduate students to create an appropriate environment for completing their study. Dr. Munir al-Saadi expressed his satisfaction with the kind of services and all the necessary accommodation requirements provided there along with the work done by the maintenance workshop.

The secretary of the residence complex, Mohammed Riad pointed out the mechanism used for housing postgraduate students who admitted this year and the conduct of work carried out in this regard to receive graduate students of medical disciplines coming from other provinces. At the conclusion of his visit, the rector thanked the director and staff of al-Nasr complex for their significant efforts and directed by the durability of work and the improvement of services to our dear students despite the critical economic situation that the country is going through and the shortage of funds and resources faced by most of government institutions.

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