The center for educational and psychological research held a lecture entitled “Cyber extortion and its psychological impact on the university student and ways to prevent it” delivered by head of the department of psychological research Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abbas Mohammed at an invitation of the Social Research Division at the University of Baghdad’s dormitories in al- Jadriyah Complex.

The aim of the lecture is to raise awareness of females to cooperate with the specialized authorities to report on all electronic blackmail attempts without any fear or hesitation to reduce this phenomenon in our community. Dr. Mohammed Abbas addressed this threatening and intimidating behavior targeted towards the victim by publishing her pictures or leaking any confidential information by the perpetrator in exchange for payments or exploitation of women to carry out illegal acts which is a phenomenon that began in Iraq after 2003 and practiced by people of different ages. At the end of the lecture, the attendants discussed this vital and dangerous subject and recommended carrying out future related surveys on target groups.

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