The college of physical education and sports sciences for women at the University of Baghdad held a qualitative lecture for the students of the graduate studies on “The injuries resulting from excessive training and how to prevent  them” delivered by the lecturer at the department of individual games Assist. Prof. Dr. Nada Mohammed Amin. She explained the concept of muscle or joint injuries resulting from overexercising as one of the types of tendonitis or fractures caused by stress due to repeated trauma, addressing the types of injuries common in sports, namely sprains, knee injuries and fractures.

Dr. Nada Mohammed also showed how to avoid such injuries by using the appropriate tools, such as slowing down, relaxing before starting a new fitness program, gradually increasing the level of activity, combining routine and reciprocal exercises, as well as pointing out the most important preventive measures to avoid excessive training through proper warm-up, use of protective tools with emphasis on doing the right movements in any physical activity.

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