Dr. Qusay Saeed al-Jubouri, a professor from the department of Islamic law at the college of Islamic sciences has participated in the second scientific virtual conference on (Higher education in Iraq: reality and ambition) organized by Al-Hikma University College in Baghdad. He presented a research paper entitled (the educational institution and its role in protecting students from intellectual deviation) in which he addressed the importance of education in the formation of the personality of people, reflecting on their thought and behavior, so it became very necessary to study the deviant thought which becomes a phenomena that began to spread in societies of different types and beliefs.

He explained that the educational stages adopted in the Iraqi academic institutions may enhance primary structures, whether intellectual or behavioral, refine or re-refine student conduct, especially when they are not existed in the right climate. Therefore, the researcher tried to shed light on the impact of education in addressing one of the most prominent diseases afflicting societies today that may result in serious consequences on the prevailing trends in any country.

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