Dr. Abdul Hadi Mahmoud al-Zaidi, a professor from the department of Islamic law at the college of Islamic sciences has participated in the 15th international virtual conference organized by Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU) in Doha, Qatar held under the slogan “Governance and political authority in the Muslim world: Examining theory and practice” with a research paper entitled “Political obstacles in the application of shari’ah (Islamic law)”.

The lecturer addressed topics related to the major political obstacles and challenges that prevented the Muslim Ummah from invoking in all areas of life, especially in the modern and contemporary history after the fall of the Islamic caliphate and the subsequent serious international and regional events resulting in the evolution of various Arab and Islamic regimes, some of which have denied their traces and followed the western direction, while others hold on to their existing small geographical areas, their tribal or ethnic loyalties away from the Islamic method of governance.

He added that these factors resulted in the emergence of multiple political revolutions which have the greatest effect in the forced or chosen departure from the application of sharia, including: the foreign interference in the affairs of Arab and Islamic states, some trends in the use of Western approaches in governance, defamation of Islam in the fields of politics, media, thought, and fear of applying sharia, also the claim that the Islamic law is not fit to govern, besides some directions adopted by international organizations or political alliances that had a vivid effect in abandoning the recourse to Shari’ah.

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