The college of pharmacy at the University of Baghdad has organized a virtual workshop on “the latest therapeutic and cosmetic applications of acupuncture” via Free Conference Call program, delivered by the Assist. Lecturer Mays Fadel Mohammed with the participation of many professors and medical staff interested in this field.

The workshop included several topics, the most important of which is the use of microneedles in many areas such as the diagnosis of diseases, administration of vaccines and other cosmetic applications. The workshop aimed to introduce micro acupuncture and its popular use since the 1970s, where subcutaneous needles were used based on the ability of the body to repair wounds simultaneously with a natural inflammatory process ending with an increased production of collagen; thereby improving the appearance of the skin. From that time, scientists began to develop pharmaceutical tools that became widely accepted at the present time by patients for being not painful and relatively inexpensive compared to other techniques. The participants made useful discussions with the lecturer on matters related to the promising future of plastic surgery, immunology and smart devices such as (pH sensitive MNs.).

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