Assist. Prof. Dr. Harith Saeed al-Ward and Dr. Omar Fadhil al-Sheikhly from the department of biology at the college of science have participated recently in a workshop on “ways to raise the awareness of local communities and decision makers about the importance of preserving biodiversity in nature reserves and world heritage sites” organized by the Technical Department of the ministry of environment with the sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The workshop witnessed also lectures presented by members of the Iraqi Green Climate Organization (IGCO) and a number of experts in the field of digital media and photography in cooperation with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and A Voice for Nature Foundation and representatives of the Iraqi ministry of health and environment.

The workshop aimed to raise the level of awareness among our community and decision makers with a focus on the protection of such natural areas through planning several media campaigns as well as shedding light on diseases prevail in wildlife, hunting endangered birds and tools for managing overfishing. This workshop is part of an action plan adopted by the ministry of health and environment for the sake of inauguration of fruitful projects that may improve the environmental reality of the country.

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