The department of Arabic language at the college of Islamic sciences held a specialized scientific symposium in celebration of the World Arabic Language Day entitled “Linguistic planning and the need for the Arabic language”. This event started with an opening lecture delivered by the dean of the college Assist. Prof. Dr. Nema Dahash Farhan who talked about the issue of colloquial languages and cultural diversity in our country, asserting that we can change this situation by working hard in the Arabization of all sciences which needs a great joint institutional work.

Then Prof. Dr. Ahmed Jawad Al-Atabi gave a lecture on the multilingualism and the law of official languages in Iraq in which he introduced the concept of multilingualism which revolves around two criteria: the dismantling of society and its fragmentation into linguistic entities and the linguistic coexistence under the national tent. He stated that the first criterion was the result of political dimension caused by some regimes that were working to break up the society we live in while the second criterion took coexistence as a firm approach to work on through using measures that guarantee the linguistic rights of minorities, referring to the Iraqi law which calls for pluralism and linguistic rupture without any concern to the unity of destiny and religion.

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