Professors and staff of the college of education for women at the University of Baghdad have participated in a voluntary campaign started for the sake of afforestation of the college gardens with direct supervision of the dean Prof. Dr. Isaac Saleh Al-Akam and his assistant for administrative affairs Assist. Prof. Dr. Uday Rashid Al-Qalamji in order to improve the natural environment of the college from the aesthetic perspective.

The participants aimed to preserve the green spaces through donating evergreen vegetable seedlings such as acacia and citrus trees of all kinds where Firas Raad Sultan, head of the Services Division at the college and the agricultural engineer Nabras Zuhair Abdul Razzaq have followed-up this process daily. It is worth mentioning that the college has used to inaugurate such field campaigns even among students in order to spread the spirit of initiative and cooperation as well as to instill the concepts of coordination with other educational institutions to enhance the reality of our Iraqi community and to pay attention to green spaces towards adding aesthetics to the college’s arcades.

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