The center for women’s studies has lately organized a festival entitled “Iraqi women in the time of Corona” in collaboration with “Al-Iraqia here” team, the national center for voluntary action at the ministry of youth and sports and Al-Araqah foundation for culture and development in the presence of His Excellency the minister of youth and sports Adnan Dargal and the rector of the University of Technology Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Ghaban.

Prof. Dr. Hamid Munir Al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad stated in his speech that the aim of this event is to highlight the role of Iraqi women in the face of various crises and challenges and their prominent role in maintaining and educating society against Covid-19 pandemic despite being subjected to a lot of pressures that hinder the exercise of their role. Also he addressed many achievements accomplished by women in Iraqi universities since they have the potential that should be empowered and the need for providing effective tools for them towards playing their significant role in life, focusing on their rights and duties equal to men in accordance with the constitution.

Then Prof. Dr. Athraa Ismail, director of the center delivered a speech in which she spoke about women and their honorable attitudes in the time of Coronavirus, providing a glimpse of the problems that led to the decline of their role in society and recommended laying the foundations necessary to bring about cultural change in the country aimed at modifying the prevailing trends and stereotypes about women and employing scientific research in addressing the reality of women in Iraq. The festival included a video presentation on increasing awareness about this epidemic, as well as reciting poems and some recommendations at the closing session.

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