On the occasion of the eve of the New Year 2021, we are pleased to extend our congratulations and wishes to our Iraqi people, to the educational family of the ministry of higher education and scientific research and to all humanity; wishing a year of goodness, love, safety and peace.

As we receive this new year with confidence and hope for the future, we are leaving a year that has been painful in its consequences caused by the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic, resulted in a suffering that one of its bright faces is that it united the Iraqis, whether in feelings or in joint action to achieve hope for a better future and where the educational family in all institutions made all what is impossible for securing the requirements of the educational process in Iraq to achieve success and excellence in the service of for our students in an exceptionally difficult circumstance.

My sincere wishes to the academic and administrative family in all the formations of the University of Baghdad, whishing students a fruitful new year full of scientific accomplishment and cognitive creativity, may our university will develop its mission towards development, creativity and progress in the pursuit of achieving the desired goals. A year of blessing, security and peace for all people. Every year Iraq and its people are fine.

Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, Rector of the University of Baghdad

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