On the occasion of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the new year’ celebrations, I offer to the Christians of Iraq my highest greetings and congratulations in this dear occasion, wishing them the continuity of health, success and goodness. We call on God that it would be a holiday of good, safety and peace for our Iraqi people of all religious and national affiliations. May safety, love and peace will prevail throughout the globe and that Christmas and New Year’s Eve 2021 should be the year of peace, safety, joy and happiness, we pray to God to keep this epidemic away from all humanity and the wishes of all Iraqis will be fulfilled. On this occasion, we emphasize the importance of fraternal coexistence and religious tolerance in our dear country among the citizens of the country.

Every year you are fine.

Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, Rector of the University of Baghdad

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