In the presence of the rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, the college of veterinary medicine held its 3rd conference   under the slogan “higher studies as an inexhaustible resource to support the scientific process” under direct supervision of the dean of the college Prof. Dr. Hamid Ali Kazim and in the participation of a large number of scholars. The conference was held with the aim to review the scientific researches presented by postgraduate students which address and simulate modern scientific developments in this field, these papers were selected by academic committees for being characterized by sobriety and that might contribute in the promotion of veterinary medical affairs and its implications on society in prevention, guidance and in keeping pace with the developments in this regard.

Dr. Munir al-Saadi stressed in his speech at the opening of the conference the importance of scientific research as a tool for building knowledge and facilitating learning that would contribute to strengthening and maintaining scientific outcomes for all disciplines through fruitful participation in academic events. Also he praised the great efforts carried out by the deanship and faculty to promote the scientific reality of the college. For his part, Dr. Hamid Ali Kazim stated that the college was keen since its foundation to achieve and consolidate its ambitious goals and strategies based upon the constructions specified by the university presidency and the ministry of higher education towards improving the quality of medical research in harmony with the latest global developments taking place in this accelerated technological age. Then Dr. Munir Al Saadi, accompanied by the dean of the college, inspected some sessions of discussing postgraduate student researches, as well as a poster exhibition sponsored by the artistic unit; visiting another exhibition of research institutions, private and government sector companies held at the central library of the college.

This event witnessed honoring the rector with the shield of excellence dedicated by Dr. Hamid Ali Kazim for his active efforts that contributed to support the scientific and educational march, in turn the rector honored the deanship represented by the dean and his assistants Prof. Dr. Ahmed Hamid Fathallah and Prof. Dr. Falah Musa Kazim with certificates of appreciation for their significant role in the development and service of this academic institution. It is noteworthy that the conference was attended by a large number of scientific, academic, political and security figures along with deans of veterinary colleges in Iraq, a number of professors and researchers, representatives of a large number of specialized companies in the veterinary, medical, pharmaceutical and health fields. The tour also included a visit to the dormitories at Abu Ghraib complex where the rector stressed the importance of subjecting the complex to international quality standards in health and service areas towards the integration of the university infrastructure.

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