Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad has recently visited Bab al-Moatham Complex to inspect some university formations there where he started the tour by visiting the Natural History Museum and met its director and staff, stressing its scientific and physiological importance for students and scholars of graduate and postgraduate studies, pointing out the need to upgrade the museum in mutual cooperation with the faculties of science, also he called for concluding an agreement with the departments of architecture and sculpture to design miniature models for some of the historical monuments, such as the ancient wall of Baghdad and others.

In the same context, Dr. Munir al-Saadi visited the college languages and discussed with the dean Prof. Dr. Muwafaq al-Musleh the preparations made for receiving the applicants of graduate study at the onset of the current academic year. He stressed on the importance of speeding up the inauguration of the department of Chinese language in order to activate the agreement concluded with the Chinese embassy in Iraq as well as the establishment of a learning center in this regard. Al-Saadi urged the deanship to cooperate with the British center for the development of curriculum vocabulary and a phonetics laboratory according to international standards.

During this visit, the rector met a number of professors and emphasized on publishing research in international repositories in addition to active participation in scientific conferences, while focusing on the administrative aspect to correct all flaws and reconsidering the number of admitted employees at all departments in line with the labor market and the need to the re-crystallization of the management of some architectural and technical aspects of university formations in terms of the rehabilitation of classrooms, laboratories, gardens and courtyards in compliance with health and preventive conditions.

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