The college of education for women at the University of Baghdad has recently signed a memorandum of joint scientific cooperation with the Iraqi Women’s Empowerment Department at the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers as an initiative by the department of social service at the college for future coordination between the two sides. The dean of the college Prof. Dr. Isaac Saleh al-Akam and the Director General of the Iraqi Women’s Empowerment Department dr. Yusra Kareem Mohsen signed the terms of the memorandum aimed to address and solve the problems facing Iraqi women, develop community awareness about women’s issues, support their political participation, change the negative stereotype about women’s status and ability to work side by side with men through conducting studies and research towards developing solutions and treatments that affect women’s place in society and to get rid of marginalization.

The terms stipulated fourteen paragraphs designed to identify and organize cooperation between the two parties, including adopting options that are in favor of Iraqi women’s issues, such as organizing conferences, seminars, workshops and others cultural events to promote the concept of gender in addition to forming research teams according to the requirements of the labor market, involving targeted groups of women namely mothers, displaced women, disabled women in social events for extending bridges of communication with other Iraqi vulnerable groups such as orphans, disabled and elderly people. The two sides agreed on adopting programs specialized in empowering women psychologically and socially during and after conflict in line with women and peace’ agenda of the UN Security Council resolution (1325) for establishing training programs for women, as well as activating aspects of motivation in society and educational institutions through honoring innovators, focusing on young girls to employ forums and playgrounds to enhance their interaction.

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