The college of science hosted a workshop sponsored by the presidency of the University of Baghdad on “Self-Sufficiency of Sustainable Universities” headed by the consultant engineer Mazin al-Saad from Al-Nahrain Center for Strategic Planning and a member of the Board of Trustees of the World Bank Group (WBG) in the presence of Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad and his assistants for scientific and administrative affairs, members of university council, deans and department directors. The aim of this event was to identify the most advanced technologies in information technology, communications, civil & computer engineering, system analysis & integration, feasibility studies, project management, cost-effective analysis (CEA), earnings per share projects (EPS) as well as how to design smart and visual learning, smart cities and advanced network projects in international universities.

The lecturer reviewed the ways adopted by a number of international universities to maximize their resources for the sake of funding research, development, innovation through the activation of advisory offices and provision of advisory services to state institutions, private sector, parallel education in addition to the exploitation of university-owned surplus land in the fields of agriculture, industry, business centers and third-party projects.

Mr. Mazin Al-Saad called for the need to build specialized centers that include various competencies in the fields of programming, project management, language, leadership, human development, auditing, accounting, networks, financial and banking studies through creating partnerships with international academic institutions in Iraq, as well as building business incubators that support innovation and knowledge to achieve self-sufficiency in addition to delivering interactive lectures in accordance with the highest standards of audiovisual technology and communication towards developing lessons and measuring effective student performance. The participants discussed prospects of joint coordination to reach at fruitful outcomes which keep pace with the local labor market based on the global model and the need for seeking the best ways to work through an efficient smart management system. At the end of the workshop, Dr. Munir Hamid dedicated a shield of appreciation and a bouquet of flowers to Mr. Mazin Al-Saad for the valuable important information he gave during this event.

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