His Excellency the minister of youth and sports Adnan Derjal and rector of the University of Baghdad Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al Saadi have participated recently in the marathon launched by the ministry of youth and sports at the university with the participation of assistant rector for administrative affairs, the ministry advisor for sports affairs Dr. Hassan Ali Karim, director of physical education at the ministry of youth Ahmed Al-Musawi, a number of deans and students of the colleges of physical education. This event is a complement to the marathon held by the department of Iraqi women’s empowerment in cooperation with the department of activities and programs at the physical education department on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women that lasts for 16 days and International Day of Disabled Persons.

Dr. Munir al-Saadi confirmed during his speech that this sports festival was made to motivate young people of all age groups to engage in sports and recreational activities. The minister of sports honored winners and praised this extensive and outstanding contribution, pointing out that the ministry will continue to support and sponsor such endeavors in the service of the aspirations of the Iraqi youth. Dr. Hassan Ali Karim stated that the ministry will organized this festival annually under the auspices of the minister of youth and sports which would include a range of activities held throughout the academic year in cooperation with the college of physical education.

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