Assist. Prof. Dr. Athraa Ismail Zaidan, director of Women’s Studies Center at the University of Baghdad has participated recently in a session held to discuss a draft law on protection against domestic violence sponsored by the Iraqi House of the Representatives chaired by the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament Mr. Hassan Karim al-Kaabi.

The session was attended by heads and members of the relevant parliamentary committees, namely: women, family and children committee, endowments and religious affairs committee, human rights committee, legal committee in addition to representatives of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Council of State, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and ministries of labor & social affairs, higher education and a number of ministries and government institutions, the Iraqi Lawyers Association, the Union of Jurists, a number of professors, researchers, specialists and civil society organizations. The participants reviewed the most prominent visions, ideas and proposals in this regard and relevant acts that are subject to disagreement among state and civil organizations and their effects on the Iraqi family which is the nucleus of society.

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