The college of media in collaboration with Al-Thakawat Foundation for Culture, Thought and Arts and the college of media at the Lebanese University held its 13th scientific conference locally and the second international conference under the slogan “media, politics and society from the perspective of reality: political conflict or integration” in the presence of Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, rector of the University of Baghdad.

The aim of the conference was to seek a scientific approach to create and consolidate the integration of these three variables away from conflict. The conference witnessed discussing 69 research papers presented by professors from 85 Iraqi and Arab universities during six main sessions devoted to address the political discourse in satellite channels and its reflection on the public as well as the moral dimension of the traditional and electronic journalism in arranging the priorities of the public towards community issues. The participants also discussed matters related to the political – social marketing and image building, hate speech and the legal & moral frameworks of media, digital education and political challenges between traditional and new media, advertising and public relations campaigns in social marketing.

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