The Joint Disease Research Unit and the Continuing Education Unit at the college of veterinary medicine organized an online lecture entitled “Brucella in the perspective of one health approach” in collaboration with the Institute of Tropical Diseases and Public Health at the University of Basel, Switzerland chaired by the professor of epidemiology Dr. Jacob Zentak. The participants discussed this kind of bacteria, named after David Bruce and the close link between human, animal and environmental health and the major challenges facing the global health security at present, namely the spread of many common diseases, including Brucella. Dr. Jacob Zentak stated the reasons behind the rapid spread of this disease among animals and its transmission then to humans, as well as the ability of this bacteria to survive in the surrounding environment whether soil and water, so it has become very necessary to deal with effectively through a cooperative multi-sectoral approach on the national, regional and global levels.

On the other hand, the lecturers stressed the need for activating common legislation that contributes to reducing its spread, establishing a joint network for rapid exchange of information between the concerned authorities. It is noteworthy that the ‘One Health approach’ was designed to implement programs, policies, legislation and research in which multiple sectors communicate and work together to achieve better public health outcomes particularly relevant to food safety, the control of diseases that can spread between animals and humans and combatting their antibiotic resistance.

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