Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi has received recently Mr. Gavin Waing, the CEO of Huawei Technologies Co. in Iraq who expressed his country’s keenness to sign several agreements that would improve the scientific and industrial reality in Iraq and the common desire to generate a new nucleus for fruitful cooperation between the two sides in the technological sector.

The talks also dealt with the possibility of opening a Chinese language department at the college of languages in addition to offering scholarships for Iraqi students in China. For his part, Dr. Munir al-Saadi expressed his desire to benefit from Huawei’s expertise on using clean solar energy instead of conventional energies to reduce pollution in cities. It is noteworthy that the meeting was attended by the associate rector for scientific affairs, the technical coordinator between the two sides Prof. Dr. Firas Mohammed Al-Akili, as well as the Vice President and director of public relations of Huawei Co. in Iraq Dr. Rafid Abbas.

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