Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid al-Saadi, the university rector has recently inspected the Scientific Promotions Division and met Dr. Kazim Abdul Wahid to discuss the mechanism adopted to follow-up the requirements of scientific promotions in accordance with the regulations established by the ministry of higher education and scientific research.

Then he met members of the central committee for scientific promotions who provided a brief overview on the tasks performed and the standards that should be fulfilled by lecturers to be eligible for academic promotions. The chairman of the committee talked about the administrative obstacles faced by and how to address in coordination with other sub-committees.

Dr. Munir al-Saadi stressed the need to adopt the electronic archiving to accomplish work in cooperation with the Computer Center as well as the importance of selecting the right peer reviewers to assess the validity, quality and originality of articles for publication since the ultimate purpose is to maintain the integrity of science by filtering out invalid or poor quality articles, that would be reflected positively on the scientific reputation of our university and staff. They also discussed the determinants for the reliability of university journals in coordination with the department of scientific affairs.

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