Dr. Yasser Ezz Al-Din Rashid and the MA student Salwa Haitham from the department of astronomy and space at the college of science have participated in a virtual conference at the invitation of the college of mathematics and natural sciences at the University of Cologne, Germany on (Exploring the Universe 2020) with the participation of international researchers and specialists in astronomy and physics.

They delivered a lecture entitled “The relationship between supermassive black holes in the center of the galaxy” to study the topic of active galaxies which are representing the most mysterious ones in the universe since the relationship among their physical properties is not yet understood, therefore, there is a need to analyze the supermassive black holes in the center of the galaxy and the rate of formation of stars.

The second lecture was given by Dr. Anas Salman Taha on “Using high angular resolution to detect debris discs” in which he explained the observation of one of the stars known as “Epsilon Eridani” using the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) in one of the Spanish islands through the medium red wave lengths. He asserted that the study and monitoring of this star is so important to unveil the relationship between exoplanets and debris disk.

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