The branch of biochemistry at the college of medicine organized a lecture on “Antioxidants to prevent sudden cardiac arrest” delivered by head of the branch of chemistry Prof. Dr. Hadaf Thafer Al-Yasin based on her fruitful participation at the opening of the 32nd European Cardiology Conference held in Zurich, Switzerland.

The lecture aimed at explaining in detail the effect of stress on the secretion of high levels of adrenaline in generating free radicals which may lead to tachycardia, thus causing cardiac arrest. Dr. Hadaf Thafer stated that antioxidants are considered as compounds that inhibit oxidation, also defined as substances that can prevent or slow damage to cells caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressures. There are thought to be hundreds or possibly thousands of substances that can act as antioxidants, each has its own role and can interact with others to help the body work effectively.

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