Assist. Lecturer Sadeem Nabil Salim, a professor from the department of life medicine engineering has participated in the proceedings of IEEE ICABME 19 international conference held in Lebanon with a research paper entitled “The study of moderate cortical model synchronization using BRIAN simulation” in the presence of the representative of the minister of higher education and scientific research of Lebanon, the rector of the Lebanese University and a number of academic figures from various European and Lebanese universities.

The researcher addressed how to design computational models that may enhance the possibility of understanding brain functions carefully to further develop better treatments for neurological diseases & mental or psychological disorders. This dynamic communication model contains several parameters to ensure accurate simulation so as to study the connection between cortical neurons in the same cortical layer or multiple layers through synchronization. This participation aimed to keep pace with scientific developments in the field of life medicine engineering and exchange perceptions to enrich and support scientific research in Iraq.

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