Ali Hussein Mary, Zubaydah Bilal Kazim and Zainab Saad Sharqi, students of the department of mechatronics at Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering have participated recently in 2nd International Scientific Conference of Al-Ayen University held online in Dhi Qar via Zoon platform with a joint paper on “Face Recognition and Emotion Recognition from Facial Expression Using Deep Learning Neural Network”.

The researchers discussed matters related to the distinction of faces and feelings through the use of deep learning technique which is a function that mimics the workings of the human brain in processing data for use in detecting objects, recognizing speech, translating languages, and making decisions. Also it is a subset of machine learning in artificial intelligence that has networks capable of learning unsupervised from data that is unstructured or unlabeled and is known as deep neural learning or deep neural network. The professors and attendants praised the efforts of these students and tested the study findings on selected faces of local & global databases.

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