Latest News of University of Baghdad

November, 2011

The Academic Year Began with good Indicators and clear Optimism

   The academic year began early this year at the University of Baghdad, having completed all the procedures and requirements at the University and its faculty members and administrative staff. The academic year for this year is typical and clear, without any political, terror effects as they were in the last years, which had a negative impact on the level of attendance for students and faculty members.The university has initiated through its colleges, institutes and scientific departments to issue instructions early to precede any possibility of an emergency that would delay or disrupt the academic year. The students has attended their classes and follow-up their homeworks, to launch a series of events and activities at the university. There has been a great role of the Department of the students’ affairs which initiated issuing instructions and directions to all the colleges that this academic year would be typical. Professor Dr. Musa al-Musawi had met the staff of the student affairs since last Summer vacation and directed that this year should be distinctive and apart from any exceptions or excuses, whether on the part of students or staff at the university, to have a visible commitment and discipline through the dates of attendance of the students and their commitment of the uniforms as well as their performance of their required scientific, laboratory and applied tasks during the year.

    Department of Student Affairs at the University of Baghdad has been working for months to launch an optimistic and successful year by all scientific standards of the great universities. The department has finished the preparation of all lists and permissions and the review of official documents and certificates of the new students and graduates, as well as finished the lists of evening studies students and provided for the colleges in order to start the academic year. The website team visited the Department of Students’ Affairs and looked at the progress of the work going on with an extremely accurate system. Dr. Hussain Khudhair al-Tai, head of the Student Affairs Department received the team as usual with his beloved smile and typical hospitality .He explained many things and actions taken by the department for the beginning of the academic year. He told us that the University has ended and almost since a month all of the procedures for the nomination of students in the morning studies of the direct admission of the academic year 2011-2012, and completed all the lists of candidates. It also completed the review of the objections of the students and re-nomination, where the number of applicants in the colleges of the University of Baghdad, was more than 10000 students, to compete for the 1925 one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five-seat, at 250 seats for each college of Physical Education ,the college of Education, the college of Media , the college of Fine Arts, the college of Languages. Among testing procedures, the colleges have established theoretical and practical tests for the students, and the interviews of students to ensure their safety. The nomination of the students was to both literary and scientific sections of exclusively high school graduates, taking into consideration the intelligent, talented athletes and teachers within the plan of Ministry of Education, the employees of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior or employees of the armed forces, as well as the top students of some professional high schools.

    The website team visited many colleges, institutes and scientific centers at the university, and took lots of photos, as well as met many students and faculty members to see the reality of education in this academic year, where they visited the colleges of engineering, physical education, media and fine arts, science, Computer Center and the other colleges, and perhaps the college of Fine Arts with its seriousness and creativity in the academic year, where the team stopped and met some students and faculty members , we also met Dr. Saad Youssef Al-Basri, Scientific Associate of Dean of the college of Fine Arts , during a lecture given to the evening students at four O’clock in the afternoon, he explained that the students are eager to acquire knowledge and committed to the performance of their scientific duties .

Especially the duties in the application side, that need to be practical effort, and that the students are very keen of commitment and daily attendance. I see that there are good signs of this academic year, which will be a year full of scientific and creative achievements, especially we are keen to provide all that is modern and advanced for the students, especially this year, which we have provided its modern educational technology for students, where we adopted the technology digitalis in the training of students, and as you can see we review the scientific lectures on the screens of “LCD” large size, and then prepare them for students on the websites of the college, for reviewing and copying in order to save time and effort of the student.

    In an interview with some students, some of the students explained their happiness and that this year will be distinctive because we are dealing with the best instructors of the giants of art and creativity ,as well as we are proud that we are learning from the best artists who are at a global level.The website team also met some professors of the college of Physical Education, they met Dr. Ali Yusuf, who informed us that the current academic year witnessed a quantum leap in terms of the efforts of instructors and students, the initiatives of students , their perseverance and commitment to attendance in this year, assures that this year will be full of knowledge, perhaps the scientific laboratories, gyms packed with students, with the beginning of the academic year, assures that there is an explicit indicator that the academic year will be superior and advanced, especially that our college has the best faculty members at the level of Middle East, of the giants of sports, as you know that most of our college faculty members are the heroes of the Arab and international championships.Many of whom hold distinguished positions in sport reality, as coaches of national teams of Iraq, or supervisors at the sport school, etc., not to mention they are renowned and widespread in international forums, through their participation in the world scientific conferences. It must be noted that through our pre-two weeks in a scientific conference in Germany, we found great interest for our college and our university, where the press and the media highlighted our participation in Germany with the rest of my colleagues, and at the same time during our visits to the College of Physical Education in Germany, we discovered that our colleges at the University of Baghdad, not less important of these colleges, we found sport laboratories and indoor playgrounds in our college excelled in some cases some colleges in Europe, which gave us high confidence that we are dealing with the students on the basis that our university is one of the great universities, a fact that anyone who follows the scientific movement in Iraq can feel it.

The Great Engineering Revolution was Launched from the University of Baghdad

   Work is continuing day and night in the college of Engineering to meet the demands of Iraqi society, parallel to that is an exceptional effort to reconstruct facilities, buildings and laboratories of the college, which has suffered severe neglect and years of war, siege and occupation; multiple processes rooms to develop and reconstruct everything and world-class consulting offices for planning and implementation of huge projects.


   With all these achievements and ambitious projects the humility and tolerance in this prestigious college can be seen, which is established in 1922 and one of the oldest colleges of the Middle East and Arab world, this vision is embodied in a meeting with its Dean Prof. Dr. Qassim Doss, who is modest when he welcomes and greets us in his office which we found a chamber of engineering operations for various projects After that, Dr. Qassim Doss took us in a tour in the corridors of the college to see the approach of the study and its nature with the beginning of the academic year , to discover that there is a unique model to be followed with the other prestigious global colleges, so the commitment of the students and their attendance is rare compared with other colleges, the uniforms and typical halls , filled laboratories, water coolers and air conditioning for the studying halls, to feel again as if we were in a new civilization deserves to call it Mesopotamia of the new Iraqi Engineering.

   The fact that the tasks I received in the College Deanship motivated me to achieve what I’ve drawn a few years ago better and faster while I was in the position of Associate Dean, where I sought, and for years to draw plans that our college will occupy the rankings it deserve with the other sober colleges of the world, because I am quite sure that our creative abilities are no less important than sober science colleges. In cooperation with the former dean, Dr. Rafi’ Al-Suhayli who worked also on the development of the college and shares with my support for the implementation of ideas that I’ve drawn in its reconstruction, and thank God the ideas are crystallized and transferred into reality through a set of measures we have taken to achieve an abundance of reforms , and perhaps the most important of these reforms is what has been achieved in standard time and for the first time in the history of engineering is to repair lab station “stability of power system” and work again after it has been stopped working for twenty-six years. In this year students have used the lab for training and application efficiently, as well as we are proud that we were able to re-repair “synchronization” station during the production of electric power, which has been delayed for decades, and we also repair and operate the laboratories of “microwaves” and “protections” , we also provide students with special equipments for the practical application, we have imported 25 a “GC” and from one of the best World origins to serve the Department of chemical environment, as well as we have provided “fan VG meter ” devices and identical devices which are dedicated to measure the fluid in the Department of oil, based on the training of students to the drilling of oil and gas wells.

   Not to mention the rehabilitation of all the classrooms, educational equipments, and to develop central air conditioning and lighting to all classrooms in order to let the student enjoys an ideal atmosphere of the study, student, and we moved to the sports and sports stadiums and equipments as well as the development and rehabilitation a special drawing room , with an auditorium for art in order to let the student enjoy a typical atmosphere spurred innovation and creative human thought, and the fact is that what we are pleased with is that the student has moved to a new status that he calls the college to provide laboratory equipments in order to learn and train, The Dean states that from here our determination to put the scientific disciplines and projects for the sake of society, where we have introduced some of the departments and scientific disciplines, and we have integrated some of them to be appropriate with the needs of the society, for example, the situation during the economic blockade has seen a very large setbacks in the reality of education, including the Aeronautical Engineering , after the fall of the regime and as a result of the urgent need of the Iraqi Civil Aviation, we have introduced a branch of Aviation in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, as well as is the case with the Department of energy, where an increase in the need for renewable energy led us to turn the Department of nuclear Energy to the Department of Energy engineering , and we prepared all the laboratory equipments of the Department to graduate generations who meet the requirements of the society, and the case is also with the Department of oil Engineering that has a growing demand after the ministry of oil approached us that it needs oil specializations after the development of oil reality and expansion of the work in the fields of oil and gas, which led us to open broad prospects in the Department of oil Engineering. Our college is following -up the requirements of the market and community service. We have designed and implemented hundreds of engineering projects with major government institutions to serve the community, and we have more huge -projects, our advisory offices implement them for the Ministry of Construction and Housing and for the province of Baghdad and the Ministry of Municipalities, and we have a huge amount of completed projects that are appreciated by the citizens or Iraqi society, The majority of scientific research carried out by researchers in our college but are in several areas, the most important is for the community service, and in line with the tremendous scientific advances in the world to keep up with the latest updates and new technologies.

   As to the levels of students and graduates from the college of Engineering, Dr. Qassim Doss states that graduates of our college are still in the leading position compared with their peers in the Middle East or the Arab world, and the proof is that international companies asked to interview graduates of many universities in engineering and to test them. The results were that our students were the best among graduates of most engineering colleges and universities, which indicates that the graduate has the skills and creativity of engineering, thanks to the keenness of professors at the college and the university’s keenness to facilitate all the possibilities for successful graduating. The graduates of our college also have attained important positions in the Fulbright Program, where our college got three seats of ten spread over Iraq in general, and this is an important indicator of the level of our advanced college, and we have plans to train students and graduates to complete their postgraduate studies, where we have a comprehensive review of the requirements of the age and the actual need and have taken the alignment decision and the need of the community according to scientific disciplines, where we move a thousand miles step to get reliability “ABET” and made an exceptional effort to verify the achievements in terms of scientific reference and accurate statistics for the number of faculty and top scientific ranks , and took the decision to reduce the doctoral studies and the expansion of master’s studies, to complete a PhD in Iraq or elsewhere, and that to pay our attention to graduate students, and in this respect also we have a huge campaign for the organization of graduates’ files and displayed them on the website for old years, after stores of the files and binders have been frayed, where we have restored and developed the store fully and installed systems of air conditioning and lighting with modern furnishings, then we have programmed all the documents on the computer programmes for safekeeping and refer to them easily, in “Digital” ways in that it is now possible for graduates from previous years to refer to the websites and follow up what they need , and in fact we have a significant campaign for the development of the website in order to be the first , and thank God the evaluation of our college won the first on the University of Baghdad, after the efforts and constant follow-up of faculty and staff at the site; we used the most efficient teachers in this field to develop the site including instructors :Ammar Abdul Hassan ,Muhammad Faleh and Muhammad Mohi and Mrs. Farah Emad, where we thoroughly review the site and make workshops for the website, realizing that the website but the interface of the college and its reputation, especially in the midst of enormous electronic revolution, We are now working to encourage professors to develop their scientific researches through training in sober scientific universities, where we sent numbers of faculty and students to Britain, America and Canada for training and development and we are now working to develop their research and publish them in the best and most prestigious international journals, that we have the best professors in the Middle East and Arab world who published their researches in world wide-reaching “Impact factor” journals.

   We now plan to reconstruct the city of Baghdad fully, where we divided the capital into eight sectors, and have distributed projects to last year students to be under the supervision of professors, experts and top-notch engineers, with the division of our experts, each according to his competence to all projects to develop a picture of Modernism of a huge city with a historical civilization, now the work is continuing, where we achieved many of the projects and we also have a lot of work to get done, and have agreements for the preparation of computer programmes with the Department of Computer Engineering, to design special programmes for the Office of the elections, where we have designed many models for the programmes that run on elections statistics, and these programs are under full control with Iraqi experience 100%, after the Commission has brought foreign expertise from outside Iraq for these programmes.

   I would like to state that the works we do are endless and we are about to accomplish big tasks that were given in the past to foreign companies.Japan has witnessed for our experience and offered many invitations to participate with us.

   After the meeting we went to the galleries of the students at the college to find a large amount of projects prepared for implementation, as if they are new capital projects.

Professors of the University of Baghdad develop their Researches in Slovenia

After the great development witnessed by the reality of education at the University of Baghdad and the openness of the university to develop its teaching and training staff, the university initiated to allow its teachers to develop the scientific researches with advanced international universities to improve the levels and capabilities of scientific and academic researches, Where a group of professors at University of Baghdad visited University of Ljubljana in Slovenia, for the coordination in the conduct of their scientific researches and conduct scientific coordination in support of their research in the field of measurement and testing, professors have seen the research centers at the University of Ljubljana and the modern sports equipment, stadiums, Olympic halls and swimming pools, sports and special physical laboratories of the college of Sport Education.

Professor Dr. Dijman Pinter has received delegation of professors of the University of Baghdad, with some professors from Iraqi universities, which included Dr. Na’ima Khalaf Zidane from the College of Education for Girls and Dr. Mohammed Jassim Al-Tamimi of the university sport in the college of Fine Arts, and Assistant Professor Dr Abdulbasit Salman media advisor for the Organization of the Scout from college of Mass Media, and Assistant Professor Dr. Hazim Mousa al-Amiri from the University ofAL- Qadisiyah, and Dr. Jalal Kamal of the University of Dohuk, and Master’s degree student Muhammad Adel from the University of Al- Anbar, and Professor “Damjan Pintar” coordinator of the developmental and training program of Slovenian welcomed the Iraqi delegation,and provided the delegation with an integrated nature of the sport movement in the university and the activities undertaken by the centers occupied by the University championships or athletic levels of Slovenia in Europe, as well as he toured with the delegation all the developed scientific laboratories in Europe and briefed them on the most important results of developed scientific researches and the levels and sport aged groups, he also reviewed the latest technological developments in the field of measurement , analysis, movement, and the test.

Professor Dijman has expressed his happiness in the consolidation of scientific and research relations between professors of university of Ljubljana and Iraqi universities, the Iraqi delegation at his residence in Slovenia also received the ex-Dean of the college of Education and Social Studies with the manager of the Institute of Economic Studies at the University, to develop the reality of the cultural relations and to open up between Iraq and Slovenia the areas of undergraduate and postgraduate studies in terms of sport and social specializations, and convey the true image of the reality of education in Slovenia.

Some Iraqis professors has welcomed these ideas and initiative in the completion of Iraqi students their study in Slovenia, and Slovenia will be a platform for Iraqi students in sober scientific studies, due the fact that Slovenia is a country of the EU countries that enjoys a high standard and excellence in research studies, as it has a good reputation among developed nations in the industrial and cultural field.

The Scouting Slovenian official Mr. Andrej Lozae” also received the Iraqi delegation and welcomed the developed results of the Iraqi Scout Movement and the role played by the Scouts in enhancing the concept of Scouting in the region, and he has expressed his deep delight with this meeting and his willingness to exchange Scouts, especially the next international Scout that will be held after two years in Slovenia, most scouts associations in the world will participate including more than ninety countries from all over the world. An invitation is given to visit the Scout camps in Slovenia, to see the current scout movement findings in Slovenia with some of the advanced European countries.

Dr. Abdulbasit Salman has reviewed to the Slovenian side the reality of the Scout Movement and the progress and development of the Scout Movement, as well as the enormous development of the educational level of Iraq after Iraq has seen a marked improvement of the scientific movement, whether at the University of Baghdad or Iraqi universities. Dr. Jalal Kamal expressed the desire of the clubs in Kurdistan to cooperate sportly and academically, that through the use of experience of Europein the training of sport clubs for Dohuk club in basketball. The Iraqi delegation has met Mr. “Tone Krump” President of the Assembly of basketball Experts n Slovenia, and the supervisor of the basketball coaches in Slovenia and Europe, where welcomed a lot the delegation and reviewed the Council history and the reality of basketball in Slovenia and the fourth rank in the Advanced European periodic,iindicating the possibility of communication and cooperation with Iraq in the field of basketball, and the Council’s willingness to provide sport experience for Dohuk club, showing the Slovenian Council of expertise the active role of the Slovenian experiences in the development of Iraqi basketball, and showed the views of his colleagues and transferred to the Slovenian side with the possibility of participating in development and training programmes for professors of Iraqi university, which is expressed by the Slovenian side to prepare for the establishment of specialized programmes on an international professional level.

After that, the Slovenian side took photographs with the Iraqi delegation stressing the desire of the Council to cooperate and communicate, the website team had accompanied the Iraqi delegation and document this academic and scientific activity, , and picked up a set of photographs to document the scientific activity of professors of the University of Baghdad and some Iraqi universities.

Developed Academic relationships with the University of Faronish

    In the framework of scientific and inter-cultural cooperation an academic delegation representing the large Russian University of Faronish visited Baghdad University with the representative of Russian Itar-Tass news agency to develop cultural and scientific relations, and the University of Baghdad hosted the Russian delegation, during holding its Council under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Musa Jawad al-Musawi the university president, who received and welcomed the guest delegation, as he began to review the history of the university which is reflected in the setting out of the University of Baghdad, its colleges and scientific institutes. Then Prof. Musa al-Musawi submitted an explanation of the nature and the reality of the scientific colleges in accordance with the scientific university compounds, reviewing buildings and facilities through the windows of the university in Al- Jadirriyya Tower. After that the Russian delegation provided an overview about the reality of education at the University of Faronish and reviewed the scientific status that the University had at the level of Russia and Europe and the progress it made in its scientific career.
      To enhance the relationship between the university of Faronish and the University of Baghdad, the Russian delegation conferred Dr. Musa al-Musawi’s the highest Russian cultural medal which represents a symbol of cooperation between the two countries, it is the medal of the Union of writers , which is not conferred only for VIPs who contribute to the promotion of cultural and scientific cooperation of the State of Russia with the countries of the world, on the other hand , Dr. Musa al-Moussawi gave a range of symbolic gifts for the visiting delegation. As an evaluation of the visit of the Russian delegation, in order to enhance the role of relationships with developed international universities, as well as the Russian delegation presented a poetic book of the great Russian writer Cholakov, as a gift to the University in recognition and valuation of the initiatives of cultural exchange. The Russian delegation also thanked Chairman and members of the University of Baghdad, praising the great achievements which the University of Baghdad seeks to achieve, and the scientific and technological and information progress of the university and its educational institutions.


    Dr. To’ma Muttair Hussain,the Cultural Counselor at the Embassy of Iraq in Russia attended the ceremony of receiving the Russian delegation, , who showed the extent of development and progress witnessed by the Russian universities and the extent of cooperation which a university seeks in consolidating the progress and development bonds with developed universities, and he expressed his deep delight in developing this cultural Relations.The cultural Counselor has initiated to provide a range of scientific fellowships in different specializations for students of the University of Baghdad for the purpose of completing the study in Russia; as well as Dr. To’ma Muttair Hussain presented calls for members of the Council of the University of Baghdad to visit Russia and to participate in a special conference about the environment.

        After the Council of the University of Baghdad met the Russian delegation, Dr. Musa al-Musawi ordered to make a field trip to the Russian delegation in the colleges and institutes and scientific centers of university, where the delegation visited the College of Education for girls, and Dr. Ameer Muhammad Ali Dean of the college received the guest delegation and toured the Russian delegation in the scientific Departments, then the delegation visited the applied kindergarten and nursery in the college, and the guest delegation inaugurated the exhibition of the Iraqi Memory documenting the history of the establishment of the college and its activities since inception till now.
    After that, the Russian delegation erected statue of the great Russian writer Alexander Sergeyfj Pushkin largest Russia’s poet and splendid artist, in the college of Languages as athankful gift to the University of Baghdad. Dr. Riyadh Aziz Hadi Scientific Assistant of the President of the University and Dean of the college of Languages with a group of college students and the faculty members of the college attended the occasion. The University of Baghdad has taken the initiative to erect a statue of the Arab traveler Ahmed ibn Fadlan the Islamic scholar at the Russian University of Faronish who visited, Russia with a letter to Alsqalaba king, and who arrived Bulgarians on May 12 922, corresponding to 12 Muharram 310 AH.   

    To express the initiative of the University of Baghdad, the University Faronish initiated to erect the monument statue of Pushkin which represents a symbol of literature and poetry in Russia, who was influenced by the Glorious Quran and the biography of Prophet Muhammad may Allah bless him and his family, and reflected in most of his writings.He begins his poem “The Prophet ” with two parts that cast light on the circumstances of the prophet before receiving revelation directly, the expected Prophet is characterized with a rich spirit ” exhausted ” with meditation in the universe and search for the truth of existence, and then his contemplative spirit tends to isolation in the desert.

     Pushkin says in his poem of the Greatest Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and his family:

Thirst of the soul exhausts us,

In the desolate desert we were stretching ,

    Then Pushkin sends the poetic image of the appearance of Gabriel to the Prophet peace be upon him and his family:

Appeared for us at the cross road,

Walk with us with six wings

And light fingers as in a dream

Touch the apple of my eyes,My prophetic eyes expanded

Like the eyes of a scared eagle.

   The Russian delegation has expressed his deep delight with the warm reception ceremony and hospitality that is characteristic of the university presenting his thanks and deep appreciation for the fruitful visit which embodies the scientific and inter-cultural cooperation between the University of Baghdad and Russian universities.

University news and activities

  • Virtual Libraries the center of Academic Debate in Al-Khawarizmi Engineering College.
  • Study to develop a high diploma and a proposal to make the acceptance of a central section in petroleum engineering.
  • Study to integrate the college of Education Ibn-al-Haytham with College of science and College of Education IbnRushd with College of Arts to be College of Humanities.
  • Discussion of legal council.
  • The centre of the revival of Arab Scientific Heritage hold seminar hymns of mothers in the heritage.
  • One of staff of College of science contributed effectively in the output of the BiologyBook of the third grade in Secondary school.
  • The first number of AL-Maysar magazine.
  • Issue of the “Media Researcher” Magazine A new.
  • A golden prize is awarded to an instructor from Baghdad University.
  • A letter of appreciation is awarded to an instructor in college of Science.
  • A letter of appreciation is rewarded to Number of instructors in Baghdad University.

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