Baghdad University Council resolutions – 11th session (2016)


Eleventh session


Directives of the president of the council:


I: Dedicating a book of thanks and acknowledgement to the professors who have shown originality in all their research provided for the promotion.

II: Commissioning the University President Associate for Scientific Affairs to provide a study about journals within the classification of Scopus or Thomson Reuters journals with impact factor IF in contributing to increased publishing in international journals.

III: Directing the chairman of the central scientific promotions committee to:

A. Adoption of special form of biography and scientific upgrades specific scientific and her uncles on all University formations.

B. Noting the previous ratings given by experts of the scientific and upgrade the extent and checked and approaching formations to know the reasons for this disparity in evaluations.

IV: Directing the central scientific promotion committee to define the general specialization of the professors in the upgrade form.

V: Emphasizing the need for a database of scientific promotions experts at all university formations.

VI: Directing the deans at all university formations to continue the development and construction of teaching and research staff of lecturers and scientific research and publishing in international journals to promote scientific level in their deployment.

VII: Dedicating a book of thanks and acknowledgments for the supervisors of graduate students in case of termination of the requested study without seeking any extension of study.

VIII: Commissioning the university president associate for scientific affairs, student to check out the files of the scholarship students and expiration of study scientifically and administratively.


1. Scientific promotions to professorship:

The council considered the Committee notes the central scientific promotions at its sessions, No. 142, 5 and 8 of 9/11/2015 and 10 to 17/1/2016, contained the recommendation of the Committee on scientific University Central upgrades taken its eighteenth, twenty-third and fifth in 5/5 and 16/6 and 27/10/2015, on upgrading the lecturers selves listed below to the professorship, completing the scientific upgrade requirements in terms of originality in their research and University Service:





Date of promotion


Dr. Sadia Aakol Menkhi

Faculty of arts




Dr. Rasmia Abd Abu Risha

Faculty of science




Dr. Khitam Razak Kazim

Faculty of medicine




Dr. Saad Dakhil Farhan

Faculty of medicine




Dr. Ali Fadhil Alwan

Faculty of veterinary medicine

veterinary medicine/physiology



Dr. Hamid Abdul Hamza Obeid

Faculty of arts

Arabic language



After discussion, the council adopted resolution:



1. Approve the upgrade of those listed above to professorship, effective dates installed about name them all for completing upgrade requirements in terms of originality in their research and service life of the University on any financial implications before the adoption of this campus.

2. The central promotions committee at the university would submit the names listed (3-6) to media and public relations department at the university for the purpose of publication and highlight their promotion in publications after submitting (five) researches for each.

3. Dedicating a book of thanks and acknowledgments for the sequences (3-6) for their scientific research promotion.

4. Congratulating those listed above for receiving the title of professorship.

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