Baghdad University Council resolutions – 6th session (2016)


Sixth session


Directives of the president of the council:

I: Directing committees for all scientific promotions make sure lack such competence at the University of Baghdad before sending scientific research promotion other universities that send sober universities research.

II: Accepting scientific research theses accomplishment of promotions by the faculty council or institute.

III: Emphasizing the former directives of the University council to send scientific research promotion resident experts in Iraqi universities and Arabic through sent to your head and is sent to the corresponding jurisdiction for teaching his upgrade work begins with this context of 1/1/2016.

IV: Deans should direct all formations to accelerate scientific transactions.

V: Checking the scientific journals published scientific research impact factor (Impact Factor) in terms of scientific contents, since the magazine publisher by his research provided that it be specialized and regular version and be a factor influencing (Impact Factor) from the book is mentioned in the Knowledge Foundation, conveyed to University (this is supported by the competent scientific committees in their deployment) based on the book the Scientific Affairs Department number U p/887 dated 5/3/2015.


Powers of University council:


Scientific promotions beneath stage professorship:

The council considered a note by the Central Committee of scientific promotions at its session, No. 149 dated 23/11/2015 contained the recommendation of the Committee on scientific University Central upgrades taken second meeting held on 14/9/2015, on upgrading the lecturers at the below mentioned professorship, updated scientific upgrade requirements in terms of originality in research and University Service:





Date of promotion


Dr. Munther Ali Abdul Malik

Faculty of arts




Dr. Salwan Salih Jassim

Faculty of physical education and sport science

physical education



After discussion, the council adopted resolution:


1. Approve the promotion said employees named in the table above to professorship, as from the dates that secure about their respective name updated upgrade requirements in terms of originality in research and service life of the University on any financial implications before the adoption of this campus.

2. Congratulating those listed above for receiving the title of professorship.

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