Professor from the center for market research participates in a conference on biotechnology at Al-Nahrain UniversityEnglish Admin13/11/2019 Head of the department of research and studies at the center for market research and consumer protection, Assist. Prof. ...
Workshop on chemical security in Iraqi universities at the college of veterinary medicineEnglish Admin07/11/2019 The college of veterinary medicine at the University of Baghdad organized a workshop on “Chemical Security in Iraqi Universities” ...
Professor from the urban planning center participates in a conference on marshes at TurkeyEnglish Admin07/11/2019 Dr. Nada Khalifa Al-Rikabi, a professor from the center for urban and regional planning for postgraduate studies at the ...
The college of science hosts the Arab chemistry week festivalEnglish Admin04/11/2019 The department of chemistry at the college of science has launched recently its 3rd annual festival of the Arab ...
Workshop on the Electronic Services Portal at the computer centerEnglish Admin30/10/2019 The computer center at the University of Baghdad organized a workshop on the Electronic Services Portal with the participation ...
Professor from the college of languages participates in an international conference in BakuEnglish Admin29/10/2019 Prof. Dr. Siham Abdul Majid, a professor from the department of Turkish language at the University of Baghdad was ...
The center for urban planning participates in a conference on construction engineering and environment in IstanbulEnglish Admin29/10/2019 Prof. Dr. Amer Shaker Khudhair, Assist. Lecturer Sally Adnan Abdul Moneim and the student Inas Hadi Abd from the ...
The college of education for women participates in a conference on English language and culture in ErbilEnglish Admin29/10/2019 Assist. Prof. Dr. Inas Sobhi, a lecturer from the department of English language at the college of education for ...
Associate dean of the institute of genetic engineering awarded by IPPATEnglish Admin29/10/2019 Assist. Prof. Dr. Ismail Hussein Aziz, the associate dean of the institute of genetic engineering and biotechnology studies at ...
Professor from the college of science for women gets the award for best research in MalaysiaEnglish Admin29/10/2019 Dr. Asmaa Kazim Ayaal, a professor from the department of chemistry at the college of science for women has ...
Associate Rector for scientific affairs chairs a meeting on the courses systemEnglish Admin29/10/2019 Assist. Prof. Dr. Osama Fadel Abdul Latif, the associate rector for scientific affairs chaired an extensive meeting with the ...
Institute of genetic engineering participates in a conference at the Czech University in ErbilEnglish Admin28/10/2019 The dean of the Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology for Postgraduate Studies at the University of Baghdad, Dr. ...