Transferring an international scientific experience to the service laboratory of the college of education – Ibn al-Haitham at the university of Baghdad

Dr. Ihsan Irfan Hussain and Dr. Mohammad Mehdi, the instructors at the faculty of education for pure sciences at the university of Baghdad run a scientific symposium entitled (genetic analyzer device and its uses in genetic studies). This lecture comes in coincidence with the opening of a central service laboratory at the college and sending instructors for training courses outside of Iraq to work on operating this device and transferring this scientific experiment to it. The researchers dealt with the features of the device in terms of its highly functional technology in the field of (DNA) and genetic analysis. The process of analysis depends capillary electrophoresis and data processing by specialized software. At the end of the symposium, debate was opened on the scientific opinions, proposals and visions that would improve the work of the device in question and develop work in the central service laboratory.

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