Prof. Dr. Thamer Khazal Ameri, the instructor in the department of geology in the college of sciences at the university of Baghdad participated in the second workshop of the European federation of geologists and engineers (EAGE) entitled ” the development of oil fields and the display of modern technologies” that was held in the Hashemite kingdom of Jordan with the subject entitled ” oil in Iraq” by displaying two posters, the first one about the surface,  geochemical and organic stratification to determine the emergence of hydrocarbons in central and southern Iraq, while the second poster was about hydrocarbon fuels. The participation included submitting a research by Dr. Thamer Khaz’al entitled ” the oil systems of the Iraqi oil fields” in which he clarified the analyses of isotopes and signs of life in rocks and oil from all regions of Iraq and the possibilities of finding oil and gas in different parts of the country, also the research received the  research excellence award.

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