Dr. Nadia Fadel, an instructor in the college of Islamic sciences at the university of Baghdad – department of Theology was selected to be a member of the jury committee for two American global journals: (us-china foring language) and (usa and sino-us english teaching). Light was shed on the  mentioned instructor after she published her research in these two global journals that was entitled (the amount of university students exposure to  English language) . The research discussed  the amount of exposure of Iraqi students to  English language by dealing daily with family , friends, and university and if that exposure was enough to enable them to speak fluently and what are the obstacles to the use of English language so that it would to be a synonym for the mother tongue and how to work  on raising the university obstacles so as  for upgrading the academic level of the students. Also these two American journals had previously published a research by Dr. Nadia Fadel entitled (analysis of errors made by undergraduate students at Baghdad university in the use of definite – indefinite articles). The research hinted to the analysis of the the mistakes committed by students at the university of Baghdad , as the instructor,  Nadia Fadel was having ph.d. in English language in designing approaches and methods of teaching and was selected as a member in the committee of researches’ evaluation in these two journals side by side with a number of foreign experts from various foreign countries , for her scientific capability and her research efficiency  in her precise specialty.

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