Inventor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Intisar Rasheed Hameed/College of Physical Education and Sport Sciences,  University of Baghdad


The proposed training apparatus consists of two laser sources installed on the right side of two consecutive hurdles. On the opposing side there are light sensors installed so that the laser beam falls directly on the light sensors. All the pieces are connected to a control box, through which the device is calibrated and equipped with information needed to operate the device.

The test starts by directing the laser beam to the sources directly towards the light sensors and giving the start signal to the player so that the player starts running and clears the hurdle. The device begins to calculate the time when the laser beam cuts the first source and blocks it from the light sensor by the body of the player during clearing the first hurdle. The time is calculated until the player passes the second hurdle then it is stopped when the laser cuts the second source and blocks it from the second light sensor.

The device works by inserting the players mass by the control box as it is equipped with a keyboard (numbers) enables the researcher to enter the value of the digital mass of the device, in addition to the calculation of time between the two hurdles as mentioned above. In other words there are two variables the mass and time that enables the device to calculate speed, acceleration, velocity between hurdles through using the following law:

Strength = mass ×acceleration

Strength = mass ×acceleration



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