Inventor: Prof. Dr. Halima Zughair Hussein/Department of Plant Protection, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad


The study was carried out in mycotoxin laboratory / plant protection department / College of Agriculture / University o Baghdad, to evaluate the activity of different concentrations of Nanoparticles (Nps) including magnesium Oxide (MgONps) imported and locally manufactured to application it in agriculture for the first time in Iraq. Silicon Dioxide SiO2Nps (imported) and Nanocomposite (Ncp) of each compared with similar microcomposite (Mps) for destruction of Aflatoxin B1. Results showed that nineteen isolate for Aspergillus flavus had been isolated from storage corn seeds and had been tested  for production Aflatoxin B1 by high performance chromatography (Hplc), where found twelve of the nineteen isolate had been produced Aflatoxin B1 by %63.16 and the isolate AF62EM was the high production with 7 ppm.

It had been found the treated with MgONps at 2, 3% , SiO2Nps at  3% and the Nanocomposite (MgONps + SiO2Nps) at 1 and 2%  that had been achieved best results for reduction Afla B1 concentration into contaminated storage corn seeds and into contaminated diet with Afla B1 comparing with addition of Microparticles (Mps) of MgO , SiO2 and the Microcomposite of them with the same concentrations. These treatments had been reduced the negative effects of Afla B1 in quails and decreased the stress exerted by Afla B1.

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