Inventor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Shurouq Mohammed Kazim/Institute for genetic engineering and biotechnology, University of Baghdad


In this study, an alternative and safe treatment (of cervical cancer) was obtained from the GAC fruit extract compared with the chemotherapy (Cisplatin) usually used . This treatment is characterized by its ability to suppress cancer cells with a low dose. The results were effective and represented by the occurance of  apoptosis to the cancer cells where the plant extract showed anti-cell proliferation properties that increased with time to reach over 24, hours and the best effect of the extract to obtain the highest percentage of apoptosis was at a concentration of 1.5 ppm after 72 h using flow cytometry .

 The aim of this study was to obtain a safe natural treatment extracted from the tropical plant GAC fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis) grown in Iraq as a part of the research, and compared with the chemotherapy Cisplatin. This chemotherapeutic agent has been used as a treatment for most cancers, especially cervical cancer, however it damages the neighboring  normal  cells and has several side effects,  which may limit its  uses . Anothere objective was to find   the least concentration of the extract  to be used  without  causing  damage to  the adjacent normal  cells.

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