Inventor: Prof. Dr. Hatim Jabbar Attia/Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Baghdad


The present study was carried out under green hous botanical  garden / biology department / college of science \ Mustansyriah University During spring 2016 -2017. The aim was to evaluate the effect of different concentration (0, 1.25 and 2.5) g./l of aqueous plant extracts with dipping time (48) hours, on (cassia stem cuttings, Ficus, Lantana)  After 2 months of planting the results showed that the 2.5 gm. /l of  cassia flower extract accelerated the time of rooting to 4.22 weeks compared to 8 weeks in control treatment and 6 weeks for IBA.

This treatment increased rooting percentage  to 77.7 in Ficus stem cuttings comparing to 55.5 in IBA treatment and without rooting 0.00 in control treatment, 2.5 gm. /l of  cassia flower extract gave the high result in  rooting numbers and rooting lengths compare to IBA and control treatment  by giving 3.10 number of roots and 5.85cm root long  in Lantana stem cuttings, compare to 1.34 and 3.28 in IBA treatment and no results in control treatment. The analysis of cassia flower extract for the activity of the antioxidant enzymes was 50.38 and 48.82 µmole/g for catalase and peroxidase respectively. In this study showed that the possibility of using cassia flowers  extract (available without any cost to stimulate rooting of difficult rooting cassia trees.


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