Inventor: Prof. Dr. Ihsan Yahya Husain/Department of mecanical engineering, College of engineering, University of Baghdad


In this modest work, the water heating system using hot water was simulated and developed. Heating using hot water is used in small houses or large buildings in cold areas or climates. Fuel (firewood, coal, gas or oil) or electricity is used to generate hot water, steam or hot air, and then transfer the heat. It is a heating system for houses and offices by safe and easy means. Central heating is one of the safest ways to heat places because of its low risk to property and people. The central heating system consists of several parts: boiler, radiator, tank, pipes, pumps and fuel tank. The system was simulated as follows: the boiler through an electric heater and multi-pipe radiator through only one pipe to reduce costs. The pipes and the pump remained the same and the fuel here is the electric power to reduce the risk of combustion. The tube was developed through the integrated fins from the outside wall and the insertion of a twisted tape inside it and the addition of nano-particles to hot water and all these three improvements were to increase the coefficient of heat transfer from the outside by free convection and from the inside by forced convection and increase the rate of heat transfer and transfer the heat better from the hot fluid to the cold room air and thus heating the place faster.

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