Historical unprecedented progress of our university in Webometrics Our university overpasses 23500 global universities
Our university has been able to confirm to the world that itn is the first university at the highest and most prestigious levels and today, thanks to the Almighty God and the efforts of the good and loyal people our university has got an advanced position in the most prestigious international rankings of universities,i.e, “webometrics” which is from Madrid in Spain, where our university has got a large number that surpasses 23500 twenty-three thousand five hundred global universities among 25,000 and twenty five thousand universities that are included in this classification. It is the first rating over the Iraqi universities and most of the Arab universities and universities of the Middle East.It has got the eleventh rate over the Arab universities, where it earned its new classification “1350” to be doubling superior in the ratings over other Iraqi universities, where university of technology has been ranked the second Iraqi with the series of “4322,” with a difference of three thousand universities, and thus our university has achieved a historic victory added to its scientific victories.
Minister of higher education and scientific research, Dr. Hussain al-Shahristani has explained in an interview with the website and university satellite channel that our university is distinctive and individual at many levels and it has graduated several scientific competencies that contributed in the construction of advanced human civilization. Dr. Alaa’ Abdul Hussain, president of the university has emphasized the development of the website and instructed to provide supplies and the developed and advanced potentials for the website in order to obtain a global advanced ranks. In addition, the website team has a number of important procedures and that is one of the trade secrets in the website field after the experience they obtained by the result of hard work for many hours outside official working hours in order to obtain these advanced ranks. For more information about the new classification of our university, one can visit the official website of webometrics. Click the links of this category as described below:
Classificationn of Iraqi universities
Classification of Arab universities
Classification of global universities