Procession of Baghdad University in Service of Visitors of Al-Hussein ( peace be upon him )
The University has participated actually in the millions visit of Al-Hussein’s shrine in his forty commemoration, where the university has established a procession for a visit and has participated by conducting its cars for the service of the visitors .
Dr. Alaa’ Abdul Hussein, the University President has instructed that all university potentials are controlled to serve the visitors of Al-Hussein to magnify the rites of Almighty God, he also confirms during a meeting conducted by the website team that the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein is a very eloquent humanitarian lesson , and that the top of Science in the world contemplates what he had done peace be upon him of a creative role of a humanitarian hero after he had sacrificed his life and the lives of his family that accompanied him to martyrdom for the victory of the right against falsehood.
The satellite television and the media have focused on this great event, which form a unique situation in the history of humanity, for the attendance of more than 21 million visitors, according to World Encyclopedia of Wikipedia , which reported that the largest human gathering in the history of the earth is in the forty days after the day of Ashura’ of Imam Hussein statistics, in the city of Karbala/ Iraq, which constitutes almost half of the population of Iraq, and also some international agencies reported the revival of this immortal commemoration which constitute one of the most important heritage of the Iraqi civilization and landmarks, where millions of citizens in Iraq and a number of Arab and Islamic countries revive the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, near his holy shrine in Karbala, about 110 km south of Baghdad, with great care of loving and loyal to Imam Hussein( peace be upon him) providing food , drinks and juices and large tents , housing and amenities for visitors until the end of the event for free, and among these are about 800 thousand visitors came from thirty countries , and the 700 hotels of the city were fully booked.