Since the beginning of the academic year much attention has been given to the uniform due to its being a civilized phenomenon that marked a university student from the other. Under the direct supervision of the President of the University Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein Abdul Rasul and his personal follow-up of the subject and in order to show the status and commitment of the university in all fields , because the uniform reflects a civilized feature by most of the high-accredited universities in the world and its impact in removing class and social differences among the students as it represents the educated class of society on the one hand and that the commitment is the highest stage of culture on the other hand , the university is concerned very much with applying the uniform. A central committee in the presidency of the university has been formed to follow up the commitment of the uniform officially scheduled in the formations of the university , the committee was headed by Instructor Abdul Karim Mounir Abdul Razzaq, director of the office of the university’ president ,the membership of the assistant instructor Bassim Hameed Jremid and assistant instructor Abd Nour Al-Hamdani. This committee has made several visits to the colleges of the university in the university compounds that are deployed in Jadiriya ,Bab Al-Mu’adham, Al-Nahdha, Al-Wazzirria and Al-A’dhamiya. On the other hand, Mr. Chairman of the committee in a statement exclusive of the website indicates that the colleges that will be observed committed to the uniform, the committee will make a recommendation to the President of the university for the purpose of granting a letter of appreciation to the most commitment formation in the university and he stressed that the committee continues to visit various colleges.