The Department of Political Thought held with a group of students of the third and fourth stages of morning studies at the College of Political Science at the University of Baghdad a workshop entitled (The State of Divine Justice of Imam Muhammad Ibn Al-Hassan Al-Mahdi, “may God’s peace be upon him”), on the occasion of the birth of Imam Al-Mahdi “peace be upon him”.

The lecturer in the Department of Political Thought, Dr. Suha Hassan Sharhan, indicated that the workshop explained that the state of divine justice according to Imam Mahdi (peace be upon him) represents a global system based on truth and justice, where injustice and injustice are eliminated and the balance of divine justice is established, and equality and prosperity are achieved, with the prevalence of human and divine values.

At the end of the workshop, there were several recommendations, most notably working to apply the values inspired by divine justice in current societies by promoting social and economic justice.

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