The Market Research and Consumer Protection Center at the University of Baghdad organized a panel discussion on the ISO 14001 International Standard for Environmental Management Systems. The session was presented by Assist.Lecturer Nebras Mohammed Abdul-Rasool, a faculty member at the center.

The discussion focused on ISO 14001, the world’s most widely recognized standard for environmental management. It outlines best practices for developing an effective environmental management system, helping organizations achieve long-term business success while prioritizing environmental sustainability.

The session highlighted the core principles of ISO 14001, which adopts a risk-based approach to reduce the consumption of natural resources and minimize environmental harm, including soil, water, and air pollution.

The discussion concluded with several important recommendations, including: Emphasizing continuous improvement as the foundation of ISO 14001 compliance, investing in training programs to enhance environmental awareness, conducting regular audits and reviews to ensure compliance and ongoing improvement.

This event aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15, which focuses on preserving life on land and promoting environmental conservation.

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