Prof. Dr. Shatha Kazem Al-Saadi, a lecturer at the College of Education for Women, Department of English, participated as a member of the discussion committee of the doctoral student (Ghufran Saleh Shalal) from Karabuk University / Turkey, for her thesis tagged: (Intersectional Feminism in Zadie Smith’s NW, Swing Time, and Bernardine Evaristo’s Girl, Woman, Other). The discussion took place electronically.

The dissertation was discussed in an extensive and accurate scientific discussion that showed its strengths and weaknesses. The discussion was enriched by information and sober scientific observation, and the participation of the doctor comes as an affirmation of the distinguished scientific position enjoyed by the College of Education for Women and its lecturers and a reflection of its honorable academic reputation.

This workshop achieves one of the sustainable development goals represented by the fourth and ninth goals, which call for quality education as well as industry, innovation, and infrastructure.

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