The lecturer at the College of Education for Women, Department of Psychological and Educational Sciences, Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Ali, participated as a chairman in a ministerial committee for the development of new departments in the College of Fundamentals of Science University, which includes the Department of Cybersecurity Sciences and the Department of English.
The participation of the doctor comes as evidence of the good scientific reputation and honorable academic reputation of the College of Education for Women and its lecturers. He enriched the committee by submitting the necessary proposals and recommendations to ensure the availability of material and human requirements and infrastructure necessary for development, in order to develop the sober educational process to serve the public interest.
It is worth mentioning that this participation reflects the keenness of the Deanship of the College of Education for Girls to support, encourage, and participate in various scientific events that contribute to raising the name of the mother university and enhancing its scientific position.
This workshop achieves one of the sustainable development goals represented by the fourth goal, which calls for quality education.