The Continuing Education Unit, in cooperation with the Department of Sociology at the College of Arts at the University of Baghdad, organized a training workshop entitled “Methodology for Writing Graduation Research”, in which Dr. Samar Saadi Khamis, lectured. The workshop targeted graduate students and undergraduate students.

The workshop aimed to introduce students to the foundations of social research, how to choose the appropriate title, and the importance of preparing a research plan, in addition to clarifying the basic steps for preparing scientific research according to a precise methodology.

The workshop sought to teach students a set of important skills, most notably choosing the appropriate title that is related to the field of academic specialization, and following an accurate methodology in writing the research, by reviewing the academic supervisor and adhering to the instructions for preparing the plan and other directives, and relying on reliable sources such as scientific books, academic research, and specialized journals, as well as effective time management to ensure that the research is completed within the specified period, and avoid delays or haste in preparing the research.

The workshop concluded by emphasizing the need for good research planning, adherence to academic standards in writing, and benefiting from the guidance of academic supervisors to ensure the quality of research and its scientific accuracy.

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