The Rehabilitation and Employment Unit, in cooperation with the Department of Persian Language at the College of Languages, held a training workshop entitled (Soft Skills and Digital Skills in Cascade and Simultaneous Translation), in which (Eng. Ivan Karim, Eng. Banan Hassan, Eng. Jassim Majeed) lectured, in the presence of a number of lecturers and college students.

The workshop aimed to qualify students of the Persian Language Department to the labor market by introducing them to the basic skills in translation, the importance of translation practice, and the use of modern technologies in it.

The workshop came out with several recommendations for success in the world of translation through the importance of proficiency in both languages, as translation is not limited to transferring words only, but requires a deep understanding of the two languages and their cultures, reading books, following the news, and watching movies in both languages to enhance language and expressive skills, as well as developing knowledge and access to terms accurately in the disciplines that are worked in translation (such as literature, law, or medicine), which gives the graduate a competitive advantage in the labor market, the need to use modern technologies such as supporting translation tools (assisted translation programs). CAT Tools) to improve efficiency and accuracy. However, it is not entirely reliable, but rather a means of facilitating translation work, and the importance of continuous practice and self-development are the keys to success in translation.

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