The College of Dentistry at the University of Baghdad held a ceremony to swear the medical department oath, for the graduates of the college (the sixty-seventh session for the academic year 2023-2024), which came under the slogan (Science and Building Course), under the supervision of the Dean of the College, Prof. Dr. Raghad Abdul Razzaq Al-Hashemi, and in the presence of the Advisor to the Prime Minister, Prof. Dr. Yasar Ahmed Al-Sudani, and a representative of the President of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Amin Abdul Hassan Al-Alwani, Dean of the College of Medicine, and a group of academics and graduates.

In a speech, the Dean of the College of Dentistry congratulated the students on their graduation, praising their efforts throughout the years of study, and urged them to adhere to professional ethics and provide the best services to patients. Al-Hashemi also referred to the college’s achievements in the academic aspect, as it obtained full national accreditation and joined the European Dental Association (ADEE), and its scientific journal emerged within the “Scopus” database, and it also won first place in the Iraqi ranking for the year 2024, expressing his thanks to the University of Baghdad and the Ministry of Higher to provide the appropriate academic environment and achieve these achievements.

In his speech, the Dean of the College of Medicine praised the efforts of students in the past five years and their future role in facing challenges and achieving success, stressing the need to adhere to the ethics and principles of the medical profession to serve society and build Iraq, appreciating the efforts of the teaching staff made to create a generation that carries the knowledge and skills required to achieve this success.

Afterward, the graduates echoed the medical oath, which included a pledge to adhere to professional ethics, provide the best care to patients, keep their secrets, and not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or gender.

Shields were distributed to the students in appreciation of their excellence throughout the years of study, and the graduates expressed their happiness, and their aspiration to serve the community and provide the best of their knowledge and skill.

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