The Continuing Education Unit, in cooperation with the Department of Archeology at the College of Arts at the University of Baghdad, organized a training course entitled: (Writing Abbreviations of Arabic and English Sources in Archaeological Scientific Research) in which Dr. Wafaa Hadi Zuwayed and Dr. Ishtar Samir Zahir lectured, in the presence of a number of professors, employees, and students.
The course aimed to show how to write abbreviations in Arab and foreign sources in archaeological scientific research in the correct scientific methods by graduate and preliminary students, and to introduce students to the mechanism of arranging and using them in the right places in the body of the research and the list of sources.
The course recommended the need to highlight the concept of abbreviations of Arab and foreign sources and use them in their right places in scientific research, to enhance the sobriety of scientific research and unify the method of documenting Arab and foreign sources.